Print Length: 320 Pages | Publication: April 2020 | Publisher: Two Waves Books
Author: Jim Kalbach
ISBN-10: 1933820683 | ISBN-13: 978-1933820682
Who should read this book
People who want to learn and implement the JTBD framework in an easy, simple but complete way.
About the book
If you want to learn about jobs-to-be-done, or if you want to understand how to use them to any ends of your product or company, this book offers you a step-by-step guide that will enable you to do almost anything using this framework. This is an extremely comprehensive, well-written, and concise book to understanding the jobs to be done theory and guide through the practice.
It starts by giving us a context on what jobs are, some rules we should follow in order to develop a sustainable basis of jobs, and it explains the jobs-to-be-done elements that constitute this amazing framework. After explaining the basics of the framework, Jim Kalbach gives us several examples of how to use it, as well as how to relate it with other frameworks and tools.
Later in the book, you can also learn how to use the framework as core to competitor analysis, to find new business opportunities, to understand how mature your product is, to define your value proposition, or to design your company and/or product strategy.
All of this and much more inside of a book, that will take part in our “favorite books corner” by its simplicity explaining something so complex and useful that enables us to develop products that customers need and want… to get their jobs done.
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